मेरी पिछली पोस्ट संविधान की असलियत शायद लोगों की समझ में नहीं आई क्योंकि अजीब सी प्रतिक्रियाएं आयीं उस पर। शायद लोगों की समझ कम है या फिर लोग शायद समझना ही नहीं चाहते। खास तौर पर वह मानसिकता जो "क्या फर्क पड़ता है" कहकर लालू को भी सिंहासन पर बैठा देते हैं। जातिवाद के पुरजोर समर्थक, कांग्रेसी, आपिये वैसे भी राष्ट्र निर्माण का कोई भी कार्य करेंगे नहीं और यदि कोई करेगा तो उसपर बवाल कर देंगे। बहरहाल उसी श्रृंखला में मैं आपके सामने उन एक्ट की सूची ला रहा हूँ जो ब्रिटिश सरकार के द्वारा लाये गए और आज भी भारत राज्य के संविधान में हैं:
आप सोचो बार कौंसिल का एक्ट अंग्रेजों का ही है सो जजों की नियुक्ति का अंग्रेजी फंडा आप आज कैसे ला सकते हैं? उसी का नतीजा है जो काटजू सरीखे जोकर सुप्रीम कोर्ट के न्यायाधीश बने बैठे रहे। जातिवाद को बढ़ावा देने वाले और नागरिकों में भेद करने वाले क़ानून, हिन्दू मुस्लिम पारसी समुदाय और तो और शरीयत क़ानून के अनुसार धर्म आधारित रियायतें सब कुछ अंग्रेजों की ही तो देन हैं, तो ऐसे में आप गर्व किस पर करेंगे। नेहरू की साज़िश पर? या अंग्रेजों ने जिस चालाकी से हमें मुर्ख बनाया?
गजब देश है अपना, हम उन्ही को अपना आदर्श मान लेते हैं जो हमें बरबाद करने में कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ते। देखिये इस सूची को और बताइये क्या यह अच्छा नहीं होता की संविधान को मौलिक रूप से लिखा जाता और उसमे संस्कृति को समझकर एक तथ्यपरक दिशा निर्देश होते? स्थिति अजब ही है....
Bengal Indigo Contracts Act | 1836 |
Bengal Districts Act | 1836 |
Madras Public Property Malversation Act | 1837 |
Bengal Bonded Warehouse Association Act | 1838 |
Coasting Vessels Act | 1838 |
Madras Rent and Revenue Sales Act | 1839 |
Bengal Land Revenue Sales Act | 1841 |
Revenue, Bombay | 1842 |
Revenue Commissioners, Bombay | 1842 |
Sales of Land for Revenue Arrears | 1845 |
Boundary-marks, Bombay | 1846 |
Boundaries | 1847 |
Bengal Alluvion and Diluvion Act | 1847 |
Bengal Landholders' Attendance Act | 1848 |
Madras Revenue Commissioner Act | 1849 |
Public Accountants' Defaults Act | 1850 |
Judicial Officers Protection Act | 1850 |
Caste Disabilities Removal Act | 1850 |
Calcutta Land-revenue Act | 1850 |
Forfeited Deposits Act | 1850 |
Improvements in Towns | 1850 |
Public Servants (Inquiries) Act | 1850 |
Indian Tolls Act | 1851 |
Madras City Land Revenue Act | 1851 |
Sheriffs' Fees Act | 1852 |
Bombay Rent-free Estates Act | 1852 |
Rent Recovery Act | 1853 |
Shore Nuisances (Bombay and Kolaba) Act | 1853 |
Bengal Bonded Warehouse Association Act | 1854 |
Police, Agra | 1854 |
Legal Representatives' Suits Act | 1855 |
Fatal Accidents Act | 1855 |
Usury Laws Repeal Act | 1855 |
Bengal Embankment Act | 1855 |
Sonthal Parganas Act | 1855 |
Indian Bills of Lading Act | 1856 |
Calcutta Land-revenue Act | 1856 |
Bengal Chaukidari Act | 1856 |
Tobacco Duty (Town of Bombay) Act | 1857 |
Oriental Gas Company | 1857 |
Madras Uncovenanted Officers' Act | 1857 |
Sonthal Parganas Act | 1857 |
Howrah Offences Act | 1857 |
Madras Compulsory Labour Act | 1858 |
Bengal Ghatwali Lands Act | 1859 |
Bengal Rent Act | 1859 |
Bengal Land Revenue Sales Act | 1859 |
Calcutta Pilots Act | 1859 |
Madras District Police Act | 1859 |
Societies Registration Act | 1860 |
Indian Penal Code | 1860 |
Police Act | 1861 |
Stage-Carriages Act | 1861 |
Government Seal Act | 1862 |
Excise (Spirits) Act | 1863 |
Partition of Revenue-paying Estates | 1863 |
Religious Endowments Act | 1863 |
Waste-Lands (Claims) Act | 1863 |
Indian Tolls Act | 1864 |
Carriers Act | 1865 |
Converts’ Marriage Dissolution Act | 1866 |
Oudh Sub-settlement Act | 1866 |
Ganges Tolls | 1867 |
Public Gambling Act | 1867 |
Oriental Gas Company | 1867 |
Sarais Act | 1867 |
Press and Registration of Books Act | 1867 |
Oudh Estates Act | 1869 |
Indian Divorce Act | 1869 |
Bombay Civil Courts Act | 1869 |
Court-fees Act | 1870 |
Oudh Taluqdars' Relief Act | 1870 |
Cattle-trespass Act | 1871 |
Coroners Act | 1871 |
1871 | |
Pensions Act | 1871 |
Indian Evidence Act | 1872 |
Punjab Laws Act | 1872 |
Indian Contract Act | 1872 |
Indian Christian Marriage Act | 1872 |
Madras Civil Courts Act | 1873 |
Government Savings Banks Act | 1873 |
Northern India Canal and Drainage Act | 1873 |
North-Western Provinces Village and Road Police Act | 1873 |
Married Women's Property Act | 1874 |
Foreign Recruiting Act | 1874 |
Laws Local Extent Act | 1874 |
Majority Act | 1875 |
Indian Law Reports Act | 1875 |
Central Provinces Laws Act | 1875 |
Chota Nagpur Encumbered Estates Act | 1876 |
Bombay Revenue Jurisdiction Act | 1876 |
Bombay Municipal Debentures Act | 1876 |
Oudh Laws Act | 1876 |
Dramatic Performances Act | 1876 |
Broach and Kaira Incumbered Estates Act | 1877 |
Indian Treasure-trove Act | 1878 |
Northern India Ferries Act | 1878 |
Elephants' Preservation Act | 1879 |
Hackney-carriage Act | 1879 |
Dekkhan Agriculturists Relief Act | 1879 |
Legal Practitioners Act | 1879 |
Raipur and Khattra Laws Act | 1879 |
Religious Societies Act | 1880 |
Kazis Act | 1880 |
Municipal Taxation Act | 1881 |
Fort William Act | 1881 |
Obstructions in Fairways Act | 1881 |
Central Provinces Land-revenue Act | 1881 |
Negotiable Instruments Act | 1881 |
Indian Trusts Act | 1882 |
Transfer of Property Act | 1882 |
Indian Easements Act | 1882 |
Powers-of-Attorney Act | 1882 |
Presidency Small Cause Courts Act | 1882 |
Madras Forest (Validation) Act | 1882 |
Bikrama Singh's Estates Act | 1883 |
Land Improvement Loans Act | 1883 |
Punjab District Boards Act | 1883 |
Explosives Act | 1884 |
Agriculturists' Loans Act | 1884 |
Bengal Tenancy Act | 1885 |
Indian Telegraph Act | 1885 |
Land Acquisition (Mines) Act | 1885 |
Mirzapur Stone Mahal Act | 1886 |
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act | 1886 |
Indian Tramways Act | 1886 |
Oudh Wasikas Act | 1886 |
Suits Valuation Act | 1887 |
Provincial Small Cause Courts Act | 1887 |
Bengal, Agra and Assam Civil Courts Act | 1887 |
Punjab Tenancy Act | 1887 |
Punjab Land-revenue Act | 1887 |
King of Oudh's Estate Act | 1887 |
Police Act | 1888 |
Indian Reserve Forces Act | 1888 |
Indian Tolls Act | 1888 |
City of Bombay Municipal (Supplementary) Act | 1888 |
King of Oudh's Estate Act | 1888 |
Metal Tokens Act | 1889 |
Revenue Recovery Act | 1890 |
Charitable Endowments Act | 1890 |
Guardians and Wards Act | 1890 |
Excise (Malt Liquors) Act | 1890 |
United Provinces Act | 1890 |
Easements (Extending Act 5 of 1882) | 1891 |
Murshidabad Act | 1891 |
Colonial Courts of Admiralty (India) Act | 1891 |
Bankers' Books Evidence Act | 1891 |
Marriages Validation Act | 1892 |
Bengal Military Police Act | 1892 |
Madras City Civil Court Act | 1892 |
Government Management of Private Estates Act | 1892 |
Porahat Estate Act | 1893 |
Partition Act | 1893 |
Sir Dinshaw Maneckjee Petit | 1893 |
Land Acquisition Act | 1894 |
Prisons Act | 1894 |
Government Grants Act | 1895 |
Epidemic Diseases Act | 1897 |
Indian Fisheries Act | 1897 |
Amending Act | 1897 |
Reformatory Schools Act | 1897 |
General Clauses Act | 1897 |
Indian Short Titles Act | 1897 |
Lepers Act | 1898 |
Indian Post Office Act | 1898 |
Live-stock Importation Act | 1898 |
Central Provinces Tenancy Act | 1898 |
Indian Stamp Act | 1899 |
Government Buildings Act | 1899 |
Glanders and Farcy Act | 1899 |
Church of Scotland Kirk Sessions Act | 1899 |
Central Provinces Court of Wards Act | 1899 |
Prisoners Act | 1900 |
Indian Tolls (Army and Air Force) Act | 1901 |
Amending Act | 1901 |
Indian Tramways Act | 1902 |
Amending Act | 1903 |
Works of Defence Act | 1903 |
Victoria Memorial Act | 1903 |
Ancient Monuments Preservation Act | 1904 |
Indian Railway Board Act | 1905 |
Coinage Act | 1906 |
Code of Civil Procedure | 1908 |
Explosive Substances Act | 1908 |
Central Provinces Financial Commissioner’s Act | 1908 |
Indian Criminal Law Amendment Act | 1908 |
Indian Ports Act | 1908 |
Registration Act | 1908 |
Presidency-towns Insolvency Act | 1909 |
Anand Marriage Act | 1909 |
Dourine Act | 1910 |
Indian Museum Act | 1910 |
Prevention of Seditious Meetings Act | 1911 |
Co-operative Societies Act | 1912 |
Bengal, Bihar and Orissa and Assam Laws Act | 1912 |
Wild Birds and Animals Protection Act | 1912 |
Delhi Laws Act | 1912 |
Official Trustees Act | 1913 |
White Phosphorus Matches Prohibition Act | 1913 |
Mussalman Wakf Validating Act | 1913 |
Destructive Insects and Pests Act | 1914 |
Local Authorities Loans Act | 1914 |
Delhi Laws Act | 1915 |
Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy Baronetcy Act | 1915 |
Banaras Hindu University Act | 1915 |
Indian Medical Degrees Act | 1916 |
Hindu Disposition of Property Act | 1916 |
Inland Vessels Act | 1917 |
Destruction of Records Act | 1917 |
King of Oudh's Estate Validation Act | 1917 |
Post Office Cash Certificates Act | 1917 |
Cinematograph Act | 1918 |
Usurious Loans Act | 1918 |
Bronze Coin (Legal Tender) Act | 1918 |
Local Authorities Pensions and Gratuities Act | 1919 |
Poisons Act | 1919 |
Calcutta High Court (Jurisdictional Limits) Act | 1919 |
Provincial Insolvency Act | 1920 |
Charitable and Religious Trusts Act | 1920 |
Indian Red Cross Society Act | 1920 |
Identification of Prisoners Act | 1920 |
Passport (Entry into India) Act | 1920 |
Aligarh Muslim University Act | 1920 |
Maintenance Orders Enforcement Act | 1921 |
Delhi University Act | 1922 |
Police (Incitement to Disaffection) Act | 1922 |
Indian Boilers Act | 1923 |
Cantonments (House Accommodation) Act | 1923 |
Indian Naval Armament Act | 1923 |
Workmen's Compensation Act | 1923 |
Official Secrets Act | 1923 |
Legal Practitioners (Women) Act | 1923 |
Mussalman Wakf Act | 1923 |
Cantonments Act | 1924 |
Bengal Criminal Law Amendment (Supplementary) Act | 1925 |
Indian Soldiers (Litigation) Act | 1925 |
Provident Funds Act | 1925 |
Sikh Gurdwaras (Supplementary) Act | 1925 |
Indian Carriage of Goods by Sea Act | 1925 |
Madras, Bengal and Bombay Children (Supplementary) Act | 1925 |
Indian Succession Act | 1925 |
Trade Unions Act | 1926 |
Legal Practitioners (Fees) Act | 1926 |
Indian Bar Councils Act | 1926 |
Indian Forest Act | 1927 |
Light House Act | 1927 |
Hindu Inheritance (Removal of Disabilities) Act | 1928 |
Transfer of Property (Amendment) Supplementary Act | 1929 |
Sale of Goods Act | 1930 |
Hindu Gains of Learning Act | 1930 |
Mussalman Wakf Validating Act | 1930 |
Provisional Collection of Taxes Act | 1931 |
Sheriff of Calcutta (Power of Custody) Act | 1931 |
Indian Partnership Act | 1932 |
Public Suits Validation Act | 1932 |
Criminal Law Amendment Act | 1932 |
Bengal Suppression of Terrorist Outrages (Supplementary) Act | 1932 |
Children (Pledging of Labour) Act | 1933 |
Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act | 1933 |
Murshidabad Estate Administration Act | 1933 |
Reserve Bank of India Act | 1934 |
Sugarcane Act | 1934 |
Aircraft Act | 1934 |
Assam Criminal Law Amendment (Supplementary) Act | 1934 |
Petroleum Act | 1934 |
Jubbalpore and Chhattisgarh Divisions (Divorce Proceedings Validation) Act | 1935 |
Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act | 1936 |
Payment of Wages Act | 1936 |
Decrees and Orders Validating Act | 1936 |
Bangalore Marriages Validating Act | 1936 |
Red Cross Society (Allocation of Property) Act | 1936 |
Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act | 1937 |
Arya Marriage Validation Act | 1937 |
Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act | 1937 |
Insurance Act | 1938 |
Manoeuvres, Field Firing and Artillery Practice Act | 1938 |
Cutchi Memons Act | 1938 |
Criminal Law Amendment Act | 1938 |
Employers' Liability Act | 1938 |
Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act | 1939 |
Registration of Foreigners Act | 1939 |
Commercial Documents Evidence Act | 1939 |
Drugs and Cosmetics Act | 1940 |
Berar Laws Act | 1941 |
Assam Rifles Act | 1941 |
Delhi Restriction of Uses of Land Act | 1941 |
Railways (Local Authorities' Taxation) Act | 1941 |
Coffee Act | 1942 |
Weekly Holidays Act | 1942 |
Reciprocity Act | 1943 |
War Injuries (Compensation Insurance) Act | 1943 |
Central Excises Act | 1944 |
Public Debt Act | 1944 |
International Monetary Fund and Bank Act | 1945 |
Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act | 1946 |
Mica Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act | 1946 |
Delhi Special Police Establishment Act | 1946 |
Foreigners Act | 1946 |